if($send){ ?>
Email Sent Successfully. We will email you additional info right away. Feel free to call toll free 888-433-6586 with any additional questions, and to get started.
}else{ ?>
if($error) { ?>
Invalid Form Input
} ?>
Your Name if(!empty($error_name)) { ?>
}elseif(!empty($name)){ ?>
} ?>
value="" } ?> class="text-input" />
Company if(!empty($error_company)) { ?>
}elseif(!empty($company)){ ?>
} ?>
value="" } ?> class="text-input" />
Email if(!empty($error_email)) { ?>
} elseif(!empty($email)){ ?>
} ?>
value="" } ?> class="text-input" />
Phone number if(!empty($error_phone)) {?>
}elseif(!empty($phone)){ ?>
} ?>
value="" } ?> class="text-input" />
Subject if(!empty($error_subject)) { ?>
} elseif(!empty($subject)){ ?>
} ?>
foreach($subjects as $value) { ?>
} ?>
Any additional info if(!empty($error_comment)) { ?>
}elseif(!empty($comment)){ ?>
} ?>
if(!empty($comment)){ echo $comment; } ?>
Are you human? if(!empty($error_captcha)) { ?>
} ?>
} ?>